Staff from both the Midland Hotel Manchester and Hand on Heart joined together on Tuesday 31st March, to launch the 2015 UK Heart Safe Awards. 



The UK Heart Safe Awards, is the UK’s first nationwide awards competition to celebrate organisations and employers who invest in creating Heart Safe environments as well as the acts of individuals who have saved lives while at work or leisure. A Heart Safe environment is one where life-saving equipment - a defibrillator and training are provided for staff or customers so that, should a sudden cardiac arrest occur, people are fully prepared to perform resuscitation and life support immediately.

Hand on Heart’s aim is to create awareness of Sudden Cardiac Arrest in the young, raise funds to place defibrillators into schools and teach children how to save lives. Holding the UK Heart Safe Awards allows the celebration of those who have already invested in this life saving equipment and increase awareness of the charity and its goal, as well as fundraising for Hand on Heart Charity.

Last year we saw over 100 nominations with 15 worthy winners being awarded their top prize.  It was a wonderful evening, and over £14,000 was raised through various fundraising activities on the night, which has already been used to fund more defibrillator out in the local communities across the UK.

Our dedicated nominations website for this year’s entries is already up and running and waiting to hear from you. Please see below the quote from our Chief Executive:

 “This will be my first awards evening and I would encourage everyone to consider nominating and joining us on the evening to celebrate the UK’s leading Heart Safe individuals and organisations.”